Is it at all possible to convey a topic as abstract and overwhelming as climate catastrophe in an opera for children and young people?


We think: It is.




To rob the moon


Music theater for children aged 6 and above

…and young people of all ages…

by Bartolo Musil


Libretto by Susanne Felicitas Wolf

based on a legend from the Dolomite Alps


Librettist Susanne Felicitas Wolf and composer Bartolo Musil have pa­ra­phrased an ancient yet breathtakingly relevant legend from the Dolomite Alps.

Issues such as greed, ruthless exploitation of resources, abuse of power, but also the question of reason, solidarity, and the view ‚beyond the ends of one’s nose‘ arise from the midst of a poetic, enthrallung story full of vivid characters and humorous twists.